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Marcopolo forms partnership for intelligent charging of electric buses


The biggest challenge for the electrification of fleets is not only the initial investment for the purchase of vehicles, but in the infrastructure for supply. To advance in solutions, Marcopolo signed an agreement with Zenobe, a company specialized in electric vehicle fleets and energy storage in batteries, to use its global experience in fleet electrification and intelligent charging software to develop electromobility solutions for public transport. More about:

The UK-based company, with operations in Australia, New Zealand, Europe and the United States, will work with Marcopolo to offer its expertise in electric vehicle charging and fleet electrification. This includes testing smart charging solutions to support the launch of Attivi, Marcopolo's new 100% electric bus model in Brazil, Latin America and North America. “Developing complete and advanced solutions for bus electrification is part of our ESG strategy. That is why we have invested in projects and strategic partnerships with public and private companies, in recent years, to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions in transport”, commented João Paulo Ledur, Director of Strategy and Digital Transformation at Marcopolo.

“Zenobe is a pioneer in fleet electrification and smart charging solutions. By using its experience in electric vehicle charging solutions, Marcopolo will be well-positioned to develop electric vehicles that meet the demands of fleet owners around the world”, he emphasized.

Through the partnership, Marcopolo plans to offer complete sustainable urban mobility solutions for the electromobility sector in Brazil, Latin America and North America. We look for the best in battery energy efficiency, as Zenobe is one of the main players in this segment in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

“The conclusion of this agreement will allow Marcopolo to leverage Zenobe's experience in owning and operating electric vehicles and use our smart charging software to support the development of its new electric vehicle models. We are excited to bring our software and expertise to new markets and support Marcopolo, one of the world's largest bus manufacturers, to meet the growing global demand for zero-emission vehicles," said Steven Meersman, co-founder and director of Zenobe.


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